Students sharing,
& innovating
to help the planet
Can we showcase your ideas for action and innovation?
The environment is not only important for the world, it is important for you and your health.
Innovation, Collaboration and Action for Nature – ‘I can’
Biojoyversity is a website for nature, the climate & innovation.
The first aim is for schools and students across the world to send us brilliant ideas and strategies for increasing biodiversity in schools along with the mental health benefits we have shown this brings.
We also will display strategies from schools for tackling waste, recycling, active measures to reduce their carbon outputs. This will be part of a one stop shop for all competitions, activities and interesting events which will be featured and updated each week on the website.
The second aim is totally new in that it is a support mechanism to encourage and develop innovation by young people in schools on the climate. We know young people have the greatest imaginations and untapped potential and we will provide a mechanism to support their innovation.
Biodiversity in your School
What can you do to make a difference?
Innovation & Research
What can you do to change the world?
Climate Action Ideas
What can you do to make an impact?

Research Project
Biodiversity and mental health
The term Biojoyversity was coined as a result of a Royal Society funded project carried out by the sixth form students at Simon Langton Girls’ School.
With the help of our science advisor Dr Ed Turner we designed and completed an experiment to find out if being amongst nature affected pupil’s well-being.
We discovered that self-reported happiness was significantly higher after walking through an area with high biodiversity than walking around the school field.
Biodiversity brings us joy!

Activities & Events
What can you get involved with.