The DICEY workshop (9th – 26th November 2022) was run by the universities of York and UCL, aimed at young people interested in climate innovation and social impact.
The aim of the workshop was for young people to discuss political, social, economic and scientific responses to the climate emergency, and create questions for policy-makers and scientists to give young people a voice in climate action for the future.
What was discussed? The primary focus of the workshop was to explore the role of bio/geo-engineering in the progression of climate action. We highlighted the pros and cons that could potentially arise from different approaches, such as the social impact of building potentially harmful alterations especially on protected land and diverse ecosystems. We used these points to create questions about issues we believe are under-represented so that policy makers and scientists can target development responsibly and with consideration to whom it will impact most in the future.
Rosalyn Old, (World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts) WAGGGS’ Candidate for the Board of the European Youth Forum
Why was this so important? This workshop was a rare and vital opportunity for young people to influence the outcome of something that directly impacts us daily. It is crucial that we are given a voice, and the opportunity to present our vision of the future.