Students sharing,
& innovating
to help the planet

Can we showcase your ideas for action and innovation?

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The environment is not only important for the world, it is important for you and your health.

Innovation, Collaboration and Action for Nature – ‘I can’

Biojoyversity is a website for nature, the climate & innovation.

The first aim is for schools and students across the world to send us brilliant ideas and strategies for increasing biodiversity in schools along with the mental health benefits we have shown this brings.

We also will display strategies from schools for tackling waste, recycling, active measures to reduce their carbon outputs. This will be part of a one stop shop for all competitions, activities and interesting events which will be featured and updated each week on the website.

The second aim is totally new in that it is a support mechanism to encourage and develop innovation by young people in schools on the climate. We know young people have the greatest imaginations and untapped potential and we will provide a mechanism to support their innovation.

Biodiversity in your School

What can you do to make a difference?

Innovation & Research

What can you do to change the world?

Climate Action Ideas

What can you do to make an impact?

Biodiversity and Mental Health

Research Project

Biodiversity and mental health

The term Biojoyversity was coined as a result of a Royal Society funded project carried out by the sixth form students at Simon Langton Girls’ School.

With the help of our science advisor Dr Ed Turner we designed and completed an experiment to find out if being amongst nature affected pupil’s well-being.

We discovered that self-reported happiness was significantly higher after walking through an area with high biodiversity than walking around the school field.

Biodiversity brings us joy!

"Climate Change and Environment Innovation will be fundamental in the creation of a resilient, sustainable, zero-carbon future. Today’s students are not only coming up with creative ideas but also, importantly, working on their practical implementation."

Professor Joanna Haigh, Emeritus Professor of Atmospheric Physics at Imperial and past codirector of the Grantham Institute

"I never cease to be amazed by the quality and quantity of the research that school and college students can achieve. The energy, skill and enthusiasm that they bring to their projects is inspiring. It is a pleasure and privilege to work with them."

Professor Tom Welton, Professor of Sustainable Chemistry at Imperial College and Past President of the Royal Society of Chemistry

"Solving the problems of climate change and sustainable living will require not only education and knowledge, but imagination, creativity and determination. Time and again I have been amazed at the scientific results that can be achieved by school students when given guidance and, more importantly, freedom to explore their own ideas. Today's young scientists will play a vital part in securing the future of our planet and this project will act as a fantastic way for them to begin to solve the most important problems we face."

Professor Robert Palgrave Professor of Inorganic and Materials Chemistry, University College London

"Climate change is the single most important global challenge the world is facing – and involving pupils in developing innovative solutions is the single most important thing we can do since it is this generation who have to see the issue through. Our previous experience of involving GCSE students with our research on nutrition associated with vegetarian diets not only helped with their learning but empowered them to realise that they have the potential to make a real difference. You can start research from the moment you understand the problem – and school pupils are more aware of the problem of climate change than anyone else and want to help find a solution, so we should all help them in finding the solution."

Professor Martin Warren, Head, Food Innovation and Health, Quadram Institute Bioscience
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