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Big Garden Birdwatch 2025
Winter can often seem quiet and lifeless, but — if the right attractions, food and water, are...

Great Stour Riverfest 2024
From BBC News South East Canterbury's week-long Great Stour Riverfest has begun. The festival...

Big Bang Competition
The Big Bang Competition is open for entries! It inspires students to work together, problem solve...

Big Garden Birdwatch Today!!
Big Garden Birdwatch is the UK's biggest citizen science wildlife survey. By taking part, you can...

Fabric Futures – November post
The Fabric Futures group at Langton Girls' is doing amazing work as seen in this document below. ...

Take the 25 Mile Challenge
Will you be one of 1,000 people taking part in The Greenpeace new 25 Mile Challenge? You can...

Join The Great British Bug Off this August!
Just a few more days to contribute to the Bugs matter survey. Just follow this link to find out...

Heroes and Dreamers
Simon Langton Girls’ Grammar School Year 7 Present: “Heroes & Dreamers” Please share, share,...

22 ways to build biodiversity
To mark International Day for Biological Diversity, the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew have shared...

‘The Big One’ – Extinction Rebellion Protest
Extinction Rebellion united on the 21st to the 24th April for ‘The Big One’. This protest was to...

The Big STEM Challenge
The Big STEM Challenge Welcome to The Big STEM Challenge, the ultimate inter-schools competition...

What is Earth Day?
Earth day is celebrated annually on the 22nd April and is an important day for climate advocates...
Wild Weekender
From the 28th April to the 1st May, Wild Weekender by Save our Isles is an initiative to encourage...
Save our Wild Isles
"We now have a few short years during which we can still make a choice. Where just enough remains...

The Rewilding of Bison in Blean Woods
In September of 2022 shortly after the rewilding and repopulating of bison project had begun, the...

Why Are Walruses Ending Up On UK Coasts?
On the 30th of December 2022, a walrus believed to be Thor – the same walrus that was spotted...

Yangtze Finless Porpoises
Critically endangered Yangtze finless porpoise are showing signs of recovery after being on the...

Finding Nature Blog
We recommend this blog on issues about nature and our interaction with it. It is written by Prof....

RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch
'Big Garden Birdwatch is fun, free and for everyone. And you don’t need a garden to take part!...
Anxiety in Young People about Climate Change
As young people, we feel the burden of the future world environment. This pressure cannot be...

What level of ecological complexity can a (small) urban nature reserve support?
Michael Jones, Director of STEM gives an overview and encourages visitors to the website and the...

The Systems Change Lab Reaching net-zero emissions, halting biodiversity loss and building a...

Climate Action Day is an online event from Take Action Global – 3rd November
Climate Action Day is a live, online event produced by Take Action Global, that serves as the...

Dialogue in Climate Engineering with Youth – new workshops for 16-24 year olds
Are you interested in contributing to discussions on scientific, social and political responses to...

Bird and birdsong encounters improve mental health, study finds
Smartphone-based ecological momentary assessment reveals mental health benefits of birdlife ...

The 2022 Global Report of the Lancet Countdown
The health of people around the world is at the mercy of a persistent fossil fuel addiction....

The Climate Book
We still have time to change the world. From Greta Thunberg, the world's leading climate activist,...

Palm Bay Primary School’s “Eco-List”
Palm Bay Primary School's idea was to create a list of simple weekly challenges that the children...

Global Week to #Act4SDGs
GLOBAL WEEK TO #ACT4SDGs 16-25 SEPTEMBER 2022 Join millions of people around the world taking...

Let’s Go Zero
Let’s Go Zero is the national campaign uniting teachers, pupils, parents and their schools as they...